Financial Markets

Global Crises, Behavioral Economics, Economic Blog, Economics of Pandemics, English, Financial Markets, Globalization, Health Economics, International Economics, Macroeconomics, Markets, Microeconomics

Corona-Crash and the global economy

The Corona Crash in March 2020 significantly impacted the global economy, with many businesses forced to shut down and millions […]

Competitive and Complete Markets
Markets, Economics, Financial Markets, Foundations of Economics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics

Competitive and Complete Markets

Let us discuss the nature of competitive and complete markets in economics. A competitive market is characterized by multiple buyers and sellers who have no control over market prices. Conversely, a complete market involves trade in all possible goods with no future price uncertainty. While both types feature many market participants, they differ substantially regarding certainty about future prices. Markets play a crucial societal role, contributing to efficient resource allocation and allowing freedom of choice. However, market failures like externalities and information asymmetry drive the need for appropriate regulation.

Economic Blog, Behavioral Economics, Economics of Pandemics, English, Financial Markets, Foundations of Economics, Global Crises, Globalization, Health Economics, Macroeconomics, Markets, Microeconomics

Synergy between Health and Economics: Oil-Price-Crash or Corona-Crash

Health shocks can also cause economic shocks (ceteris-paribus). The coronavirus pandemic is one of the health shocks that might unravel another global economic shock. Why is that the case? Fact number one, health is a basic human need. Consequently, the satisfaction the health needs requires human decision-making in all economies. Decision-makers face the challenge of managing the synergies between health and economics amid a health shock. How is the Scenario?

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