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Inspiring your Learning Process

  • The Importance of Intercultural Competence

    This article highlights the crucial importance of intercultural competence in effectively engaging with individuals from diverse cultures. It is critical to cultivate skills that facilitate interaction with people of different cultures. This entails shifting from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism by wholeheartedly embracing, adjusting to, and integrating cultural involvement processes. The article provides a comprehensive overview of… Weiterlesen

  • Household Optimization Problem

    In this article, you will learn how to formally describe the household optimization problem in your microeconomics. To understand how private households make their consumption and resource allocation decisions in the real world, we shall look at the crucial elements that affect optimal decision-making, e.g., price, income, and preference changes. A private household is one… Weiterlesen

  • Crucial Role of German Society in a Democracy

    This article discusses the role of German society in a democracy, examining the challenges facing democratic institutions due to populistic, anti-global, and anti-democratic behavior. The success of a democracy depends on the informed and active participation of its citizens. The German Federal Constitution declares Germany a democratic and social federal state, with German citizens having… Weiterlesen

  • Production Optimization Problem

    In this article, you shall learn the basics of the production optimization problem in firms in a microeconomic setting. Weiterlesen

  • Importance of Social Interaction

    Social interaction is fundamental for human well-being and societal evolution. It cultivates relational growth, community spirit, and support mechanisms, promoting empathy, understanding, and communication. Yet, individuals often require help navigating social environments, particularly in the digital age. As such, participation plays an indispensable role in personal and communal development. Additionally, understanding social conflicts stemming from… Weiterlesen

  • Democracy and Autocracy

    This article compares democracy and autocracy, two forms of governance with contrasting ideologies and implications. Democracy, a system of government where power is distributed among the people, values citizen participation, representation, and safeguards individual rights and freedoms. Conversely, an autocracy concentrates power within a single ruler or a small group and often suppresses political participation… Weiterlesen

  • Competitive and Complete Markets

    Let us discuss the nature of competitive and complete markets in economics. A competitive market is characterized by multiple buyers and sellers who have no control over market prices. Conversely, a complete market involves trade in all possible goods with no future price uncertainty. While both types feature many market participants, they differ substantially regarding… Weiterlesen

  • Social Order in Society

    Social order, a dynamic, complex system enabled by various societal processes, encompasses diverse dimensions such as economic, social, political, and technological aspects. This article discusses the economic order, and elucidates the definitions of social and economic orders from an economist’s perspective. It also examines the relationship between societal subsystems, individual interactions, and social order. Furthermore,… Weiterlesen


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